Wednesday, March 3, 2010

New Research Tool

This is a fascinating time for research in the world.  Things are changing so much from even 10 years ago.  Google has introduced a new thing that will change it even more.  Aardvark is a tool that will match your question to the proper expert.  That would allow you, or your students, to get an answer from an actual person, instead of a web page.
Research on the internet can be a difficult and sensitive topic for teachers. The way I choose to address it is to embrace it.  It's not going away.  I still require books as sources, but I also teach how to find answers on the internet.
For example, if a student uses Wikipedia, that's fine. I just require them to show documentation on how they verified the information.  (Of course, I teach them how to verify information found on sites like Wikipedia).
This way I feel I am empowering them to use the internet better, and with more accuracy.  Because I know that no matter what I say about the internet, they are going to use it.  I might as well teach them to use it well.

1 comment:

  1. I just asked a question on Aardvark (about the blog indecently) and received 5 great answers in less than 5 minutes. It could be very useful.
